Climate Change and Biodiversity Information

On the 13th November 2023 Hambleden Parish Council agreed that we must play our part regarding Climate Change, and a new Working Party was formed. This consists of 2 Councillors, the Clerk and 2 members of the public. This working party will feed back to the Parish Council with suggestions. 


Climate Change - Links for Resources

Greener Frieth - Mini Meadows 

Greener Frieth - Home Energy Factsheet

Climate Change Explained

Government Advice

Buckinghamshire Council Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy

Buckinghamshire Council Climate Change Portfolio - which Bucks Councillors are responsible, strategy and actions on mitigating Climate Change

How Buckinghamshire Council are responding to Climate Change

Support from Buckinghamshire Council for Climate Groups and businesses

Buckinghamshire Council Energy Doctor - request a visit to help improve energy efficiency in your home (eligibility criteria applies)

Better Housing Better Health - A service supporting residents to keep warm, stay safe & live well in their homes

British Plastics Foundation - find out where to recycle plastics including soft plastic, batteries and printer cartridges to name a few

Buglife - actions everyone can take to preserve and protect insect life around the parish

Carbon Calculator - calculate your carbon footprint

WWF - things you can do to help the planet

Met Office - effects of Climate Change

Greener Frieth - Frieth based Climate Change group

All About Hedges - factsheet

Reduce Reuse Recycle

We would like to encourage residents to make changes in behaviours to be more carbon-neutral, some suggestions as to how you could make small changes that could help the environment are:

- Commit to recycling more
- Try to re-use rather than dispose of items
- Car sharing where possible
- Buy from environmentally friendly businesses
- Grow more of your food