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Long Hanger Fingest Lane Fingest
Householder application for construction of dormer window extension at the rear of the existing house
The Cherries Parmoor Lane Frieth
Remove as declining x 1 Cherry (T1) and remove due to excessive shading to properties x 1 Leylandii (T2)
Keepers Cottage Hollow Lane Rotten Row Hambleden
Listed building consent for construction of two storey side extension
Householder application for construction of two storey side extension |
Lace Cottage Frieth Hill Frieth
Householder application for installation of 4 x replacement windows to south west elevation and 2 x replacement windows to north east elevation (6 in total)
Copville Fingest Road Fingest
Householder application for installation of 2 x air conditioning units
4 Hayles Field Frieth
Householder application for erection of side and rear double storey extension
Inkerman House Shogmoor Lane Skirmett
Take down as concerns about the wall x 1 Sycamore (T1), take down due to the location of the tree and being multi stemmed x 1 Silver Birch (T2), crown reduce by 1.5m to contain and maintain x 1 Rowan (T3), crown reduce by up to 2m to contain and maintain x 1 Silver Birch (T4), crown reduce by up to 2.5m to contain and maintain x 1 Silver Birch (t5) and take down x 1 fruit tree (T6)
Hamberley House Rectory Hill Hambleden
Householder application for extensions and alterations to dwelling and erection of new garage and bicycle store, swimming pool, landscaping, closing off existing access and relocation of vehicle access in connection with the formation of new parking area and new boundary treatment
Old Rectory Cottage 147 Rectory Hill Hambleden
Reduce back overhangs to 1 x Beech Hedge (H1), crown lift to 5.2m over road to 1 x Holly (T1), coppice at 2 metres to 1 x Chestnut (T2) and fell self seed tree
Valley Cottage Skirmett Road Hambleden
Householder application for part conversion of garage building known as 'Lower Barn' to provide ancillary accommodation (retrospective)
Listed building application for part conversion of garage building known as 'Lower Barn' to provide ancillary accommodation (retrospective)
Yard Cottage Hambleden Village Hambleden
Listed building application for remodelling of extension to the rear including 2 x new rear dormer windows, construction of single storey side extension, remodelling of the interior and augmentation of section of boundary wall
Householder application for remodelling of extension to the rear including 2 x new rear dormer windows, construction of single storey side extension, remodelling of the interior and augmentation of section of boundary wall
The Barn Frieth Hill Frieth
Reduce height by approximately 2 metres and reduce branches overhanging the road/drive and parking area by 1.5 metres to 1 x Acacia Tree
67 Hambleden Village Hambleden
Crown reduce by 1.5 metres and reduce away from house by 1.5 metres x 1 Walnut (T1)
The Bungalow Scotchy Lane Skirmett
Variation of condition 2 (plan numbers) attached to pp 22/06920/FUL (construction of 1 x 4-bed replacement dwelling, detached double garage and associated alterations) to allow changes to design and materials
Flint Cottage Frieth Hill Frieth
Listed building application for construction of single storey side extension to form entrance hall
Householder application for construction of single storey side extension to form entrance hall
Listed Building application for construction of replacement two storey extension with associated dormers, 2no. conservation rooflights added to the Northern elevation, with minor internal and external alterations
Householder application for construction of replacement two storey extension with associated dormers, 2no. conservation rooflights added to the Northern elevation, with minor internal and external alterations
Flint Hall Skirmett Road Hambleden
Householder application for partial demolition of Flint Hall and construction of single storey extension on the eastern elevation of main dwelling, single storey front porch, 3 x front and 3 x rear dormer windows and internal remodelling of main dwelling. Demolition of existing garage, construction of replacement garage with attached kitchen/breakfast room and conversion of existing Parlour and Dispersal Barn to create additional ancillary accommodation for Flint Hall (amended scheme to pp 19/07768/FUL)
Listed building application for partial demolition of Flint Hall and construction of single storey extension on the eastern elevation of main dwelling, single storey front porch, 3 x front and 3 x rear dormer windows and internal remodelling of main dwelling. Demolition of existing garage, construction of replacement garage with attached kitchen/breakfast room and conversion of existing Parlour and Dispersal Barn to create additional ancillary accommodation for Flint Hall (amended scheme to pp 19/07769/LBC)
Flat 5 Hambleden Mill Henley Road Hambleden
Installation of "like for like" replacement of existing single glazed french doors and bathroom window incorporating "Slimlite" 12mm double glazed units ion place of the existing 4mm glass
Listed building application for installation of "like for like" replacement of existing single glazed french doors and bathroom window incorporating "Slimlite" 12mm double glazed units ion place of the existing 4mm glass
Rotten Row Farmhouse & Rotten Row Cottage Main Road Rotten Row Hambleden
Construction of single storey rear infill extension, insertion of 5 x dormer windows, replacement entrance porch and fenestration alterations in connection with conversion of existing dwellinghouses at Rotten Row Farmhouse and Rotten Row Cottage to single dwellinghouse
Householder application for construction of two storey rear extension, alterations to the fenestration and a new Klargester (alternative scheme to pp 22/05895/FUL)
The Flint Barn Parmoor Lane Frieth
Householder application for construction of a full height dormer window in the loft of the extension building roof
Henley Business School Greenlands Henley Road Hambleden
Installation of pontoon system, gate and fence
The Frog Skirmett Road Skirmett
Removal of outbuildings/storage sheds/covered smoking structure and construction of single storey rear/side extensions and new rear catslide roof with dormer windows; elevational alterations including installation of new windows and doors, all in connection with the internal refurbishment of the vacant public house for continuation as a country pub with ancillary accommodation above
St Marys Church Hambleden Village Hambleden
Reduce the lower long lateral limb by up to 2.5 metres and crown reduce the two main stems by up to 3m due to a large limb snapping out (to make safe) and to reduce sail weight x 1 Horse Chestnut
Pargrove Parmoor Lane Frieth
Householder application for construction of a 1.8m vehicular and pedestrian access gate
Gilbert Cottage Henley Road Hambleden
Listed building application for construction of roofing over of existing courtyard to form conservatory
Householder application for construction of roofing over of existing courtyard to form conservatory
Barn At Burrow Farm Hollow Lane Rotten Row Hambleden
Listed building application for repairs to existing roof, reusing existing tiles with new to match on new battens on bituminous roofing felt, removal of existing loose gravel floor and laying of new Foam glass, Limecrete and stone slab floor
Elmsdown Cottage 45 Skirmett Road Hambleden
Householder application for proposed construction of single storey rear infill extension, demolition of existing front porch and construction of a new porch in its place
Listed building application for upgrading of and replacement of internal fire doors and associated works
Raise the canopy by 1m x 1 Beech
Evenlode House, Windrush House And Loddon House Greenlands Henley Road Hambleden
Replacement of external windows, doors and timber cladding
Ashcroft Frieth Hill Frieth
Householder application for demolition of existing garage and replacement with a carport and store
Poynatts Manor Skirmett Road Skirmett
Remove as dead or dying x 1 Ash (2), x 7 (3-5, 7-8 & 12-13) Sycamore, x 1 Field Maple (6) and reduce by 2-3 metres as in poor state x 3 Sycamore (9-11)